
FGD EXPO 2007 Part II: Thug For Life (The Mobsters)

there's this wall bombing by our local street mobsters moguls.
too bad i'm not there during the 'bombing' session.
apparently i'm late.
24 hours late.

tutu tupai

yellow dino. or green dino..?



mm.. anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wuaah foto2nya "berbau" jurnalistik bgt yach, pantes aja kerjanya dimajalah ^_^

Foto2 loe asik baget kok, coba klo malem seblumnya elo dateng jg & motret mereka lg nge"bom", seru bgt tuch, apalagi mulainya dari sore mpe malem jd lebih bisa maenin pencahayaannya lg kan (hwuehehe... sotoy bg gw ya)...

Oiya gw jd pengen liat jg koleksi foto2 loe yg laen nich...

why do people with closed minds open their mouth?

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problematic in associating names with faces.